innovative direct marketing & printing solutions

Our Blog

Polaris Direct is a constant in the ever-changing world of direct marketing. We’re experts in format and design, technology, and industry trends—and we share our expertise with our clients. We’re in front of the mail every day, and we’re constantly leveraging our knowledge to help our customers boost response rates for their direct mail campaigns.

From creative techniques to tips for choosing a lettershop, our insights add value to client projects and processes. And with over two decades of experience, we serve as expert partners in direct marketing. Read below for insights that add value and generate ROI for high-volume mail campaigns.

Featured Insight

3 Tips for a Nonprofit Direct Mail Appeal

Nonprofits are consistently brainstorming new, meaningful ways to engage with their donor base, and to attract new donors to help fund their mission. Creating a strong and efficient fundraising campaign is based on one simple word: Trust. So, what strategies can help...

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In Baseball & Business, Leadership Makes the Team

The 2012 Red Sox were a disaster. As a die-hard Sox fan, it brings me no great joy to say that, but it’s the cold, hard truth. The season began with high hopes. The roster was stacked with future Hall of Famers. Ace Josh Beckett, slugger David Ortiz, infield phenom...

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Turning Innovative Ideas Into Innovative Solutions

Innovative. Imaginative. Inspired. It’s not just our tagline. It’s our way of thinking at Polaris Direct. It’s the cornerstone of our culture. In the spring of 2003, Polaris opened its doors with just five employees and a vision of creating a better lettershop. It is...

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For The Love Of Mail

As a child growing up in rural New Hampshire, going to get the mail was an occasion. For some reason or another, our mailbox was located about a mile away from our house, so my siblings and I would often strap on our helmets, hop on our bikes, and tear down the dirt...

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Five Musts for Direct Mail Fundraising

What do the USO, Smile Train, American Cancer Society and many other large (and small) non-profits have in common? It's not just that they provide life-changing services or that they are household names. Another important commonality is that they also all send direct...

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What Will You Do With the Gift of Lower Postage?

It took more than two years, but the day finally came. April 10 marked a momentous occasion when the 4.3% surcharge on postal rates was rolled back—if I listen closely, I can almost hear sighs of relief from direct mail marketers all over the country. Suddenly,...

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Best Practices for Keeping Your Data Files Clean

As they say, “Spring has sprung and the grass is ‘ris…now start scrubbing.” Well, maybe the saying doesn’t end quite like that, but spring cleaning is one of those necessary evils we all have to tackle around this time of year. After we kick off the dust and haul out...

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