innovative direct marketing & printing solutions

Our Blog

Polaris Direct is a constant in the ever-changing world of direct marketing. We’re experts in format and design, technology, and industry trends—and we share our expertise with our clients. We’re in front of the mail every day, and we’re constantly leveraging our knowledge to help our customers boost response rates for their direct mail campaigns.

From creative techniques to tips for choosing a lettershop, our insights add value to client projects and processes. And with over two decades of experience, we serve as expert partners in direct marketing. Read below for insights that add value and generate ROI for high-volume mail campaigns.

Featured Insight

It Is Not Too Late to Save 4% on Postage!

Looking for a new and creative way to integrate digital into your next direct marketing campaign? Look no further—Polaris Direct has the solution. Informed Delivery offers mailers the opportunity to connect with a consumer base of 45.9 million, reinforce your message,...

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Your Mailbox Just Went Digital!

Your Mailbox Just Went Digital!

Informed Delivery, a convenient (and FREE) service rolled out by the United States Postal Service (USPS) in 2017, provides customers with the option to receive a black-and-white preview (via email)...

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What My Foster Dogs Taught Me About Management

What My Foster Dogs Taught Me About Management

In the business world, “Leave your personal life at home” is a common mantra. But Polaris Direct GM of Client Services Jodi Mackie believes that it’s important to blend the personal with the professional. Read on for more of Mackie’s insights.   Believe it or not, we...

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Work Smarter With Messagepoint

Complete this sentence: The road to highly personalized direct mail is paved in Complex, headache-inducing spreadsheets Intricate, unwieldy matrices Time-consuming, expensive data processing changes All of the above If you answered any (or all) of the above, you’re...

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A Look at Postal Changes: Part 2

The following is Part 2 of a two-part series on 2017 postal rate changes. Read Part 1. Postal rates may have changed, but one thing that won’t change is our commitment to helping you find innovative solutions and save money on postage at the same time. So without...

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A Look at Postal Changes: Part 1

The following is Part 1 of a two-part series on 2017 postal rate changes. New rates go into effect on January 22.   Hold on to your hats—postal rates are changing again. Last April, we all breathed a collective sigh of relief when rates dropped for the first time in...

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PostaLink: Better Marketing, Better Results

Ah, the holidays. Once again, they seem to have snuck up on us. Weeks ago—and seemingly out of nowhere—radio stations across the country began playing holiday music 24/7. Shopping malls are dressed to the nines in garland and holly. Children are busy scratching out...

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Direct Mail Testing: Rules of the Road

High school students everywhere loathe it. College students loathe it even more. But alas, testing is part of life…and if we allow it to be, it’s actually a pretty awesome part (well, perhaps more awesome for marketers than for college kids). And while standardized...

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Transform Your Outreach

Find Out How You Can Increase Your Direct Marketing ROI